photo courtesy of Jaron Nixon

The health and beauty industry seems to break new strides daily. 

I believe health and beauty are something that many of us take for granted until we no longer have it and then we're like how did that happen? 

If we're honest, some of us will recognize that we may have seen it coming on for a while.  A twinge here and an ache there. A pound here. Ten pounds there. You know what I'm getting at. A gut feeling something isn't right.

Likely, we all want to obtain something which will help us be well or create a sense of well-being or at the very least of looking like we feel good. The thing is each of us is unique so it's not easy for us to gauge what is going on. And some things that work for one, may not work for all. 

When it comes to health and beauty, lifestyle bloggers can write about what works for us or those we come in contact with. But it’s important to figure out what it is that works best for you and to do it sensibly and safely by working with your physician to learn what is good for you.